Pin Code 193503 is the postal code of 13 places located in the Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir. Click on post office name to find the address and other important details of 193503 pincode.

Post Office Name District State Pincode
AchooraBandipurJammu and Kashmir193503
BaduabBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
BadugamBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
BagtoreBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
Barnoi KashpethBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
GujranBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
GurezBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
KanzalwanBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
MarkootBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
PuranatilelBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
SaradabBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
TarbalBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503
WamporaBaramullaJammu and Kashmir193503

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